Monday, 27 January 2014

Pilot Ted - Introduction

Hello everyone,

My name is Pilot Ted and I transport passengers (both people and other teddy bears) across the globe. I absolutely LOVE flying planes.

I'm traveling across Europe from Russia to get to London in time for my family's teddy bear picnic (happening in late February / early March). The above picture is me before leaving Russia - do you like my pilot's outfit? It's cool, right?

I need to make many stops throughout Europe to pick up lots of other teddy bears who will be attending the picnic also. I will keep you up to date with my travels.

The point of all of this is us teddy bears are raising money for a charity called Flying Start, in association with Comic Relief.

Comic Relief is a UK charity, which is working to create a just world, free from poverty.
It was launched in 1985 from a refugee camp in Sudan. Ever since then, it has been working to help poor and disadvantaged people turn their lives around. Click here to find out more.

We are aiming to give disadvantaged children a Flying Start in life!

If you enjoy keeping up to date with my progress and want to get involved, please visit our fundraising page:

I'll give you an update on my travels shortly...

Pilot Ted

Alternatively, you can use paypal here...

*disclosure - if you use paypal in this page, we may be charged an admin fee.

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