Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Pilot Ted - Touching down in Austria

Hallo friends,

Hope you're all well?!

I have arrived in Austria and I can't wait to go exploring. My fellow teddy bear's have told me a lot about this Country. Did you know it was the birth place of the famous music composer Mozart?

The picture above is of me relaxing in the Captain's chair just after landing - I was exhausted!! I think I may need to get a slightly smaller chair.

No time to rest though as I need to search all over Austria for other teddy bear's who are coming to London with me to have a teddy bear's picnic. This is to raise money for Flying Start, a charity in association with Comic Relief, aiming to give disadvantaged children a flying start in life. It's a fantastic cause and one which I am flying all over Europe to raise money for.

Please sponsor my journey on the link below and I will continue to post about my fantastic adventure that I am having along the way. 

Over and out,
Pilot Ted

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